Sunday 24 March 2013

5. How did you attract/ address the audience?

Our target audience for our opening sequence was male and females aged fifteen and above. We needed to find out what they expect to see in a horror opening sequence and also what they would like to see in order to create an effective opening sequence that will attract our target audience. To find out this research we created surveys for people to do:
With the results  from the surveys we created a video showing all the information in a more super visual and creative way. 
In addition to the surveys we created a series of voxpops asking people a couple of questions about horrors, what they expect to see and what horrors they enjoy.
Our results showed  that most people liked horrors because they were interesting and scary and that people mainly expect to see an abandoned, cold setting therefore we used the location of an abandoned house in morden park as our exterior location and then a creepy cellar as our interior location in order to respond correctly to what our audience expect to see. Miss Saunders claimed she would like to hear 'heavy, rock music' but we decided to chose creepy music as we believe it is more effective and creates more of an atmosphere and tension.

focused group - audience response to our opening sequence

vox pops - audience response to our opening sequence

analysing our opening sequence in reference to target audience:

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