Sunday 24 March 2013

5. How did you attract/ address the audience?

Our target audience for our opening sequence was male and females aged fifteen and above. We needed to find out what they expect to see in a horror opening sequence and also what they would like to see in order to create an effective opening sequence that will attract our target audience. To find out this research we created surveys for people to do:
With the results  from the surveys we created a video showing all the information in a more super visual and creative way. 
In addition to the surveys we created a series of voxpops asking people a couple of questions about horrors, what they expect to see and what horrors they enjoy.
Our results showed  that most people liked horrors because they were interesting and scary and that people mainly expect to see an abandoned, cold setting therefore we used the location of an abandoned house in morden park as our exterior location and then a creepy cellar as our interior location in order to respond correctly to what our audience expect to see. Miss Saunders claimed she would like to hear 'heavy, rock music' but we decided to chose creepy music as we believe it is more effective and creates more of an atmosphere and tension.

focused group - audience response to our opening sequence

vox pops - audience response to our opening sequence

analysing our opening sequence in reference to target audience:

Thursday 21 March 2013

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the planning and creation of our opening sequence our group used a variety of technologies. During research and planning I used blogger, which is a website used to create  and post blogs onto. I also used the Macs, which are computers designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. When creating blog posts we needed to make them super visual and in order to do that we had to use different websites or techniques such as prezi, slide rocket, slide share, bubbl and go animate these different technologies improved my creativity. 

Throughout filming our opening sequence, our group regularly used a moving image camera, a HD camera and a tripod. 
We used a moving image camera to film all of our shots. For example:

We used Rae's HD camera to film the shots of Rae walking towards the abandoned house due to the fact that we wanted to get a good quality of the surroundings and of her. For example:

We used the tripod for every shots as we wanted to reassure ourselves that the shot were going to be steady.

When editing, we used a numerous amount of technologies. We used the Macs, Livetype, iMovie, Final cut, Da Font and Free play music. The Macs were easy to get the hang of. However, I found Livetype and Final cut particularly difficult as they both had alot to offer in the idea that they had too many things to do which made it very hard to work with. Once using iMovie a number of times I found it easy and fun to use. Due to the fact that we were not allowed copyright music we had to choose our soundtrack from the website Free Play Music. I had never used this website before but after a while I understood how to use it and we were able to find a piece of music appropriate to our genre and plot synopsis. 


Sunday 10 March 2013

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

For our audience research we created voxpops showing us interviewing a number of teenagers, due to the fact that our target audience is 15 and above, and more specifically students. Our results of the voxpops showed us what ages prefer horrors, what people expect to see in horrors, what music best suited horrors, how horrors should and can make someone feel and what characters are best for a 'villain'. 
The main demographics of our target audience are as followed: male and female aged 15 and above, white British, located in the UK, a student at either high school or university and they will belong to lower-middle class 'JICNAR'. The main pyschographics of our target audience are as followed: enjoy horror, suspense and gore, value friendship, live with family but frequently with friends, passive and fairly well behaved. 
Our film links to similar films with the same target audience and they include: The final as both focus on the idea of victims of bullying getting revenge and saw as this also focuses on revenge and involves violence.
 Furthermore, our group discussed other factors to consider for a target audience and we decided that they would watch soap such as eastenders and hollyoaks, visit twitter and Facebook on a regular account, go to the cinema and hang out with friends on the weekends, wear fashionable but not too expensive clothing lines and enjoy watching horrors because of the thrill and makes them look 'cool'. As a group, we believe our unique selling point is that our film shows a good however exaggerated moral message as it indicates bullies will always receive 'karma' and victims will always get revenge. 

Sunday 3 March 2013

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The genre of our film is horror and the target audience is people aged fifteen and above, male and female. We have titled our film 'Never Forgotten'. As a group, we chose Lionsgate as the distributor of our film. Lionsgate is a North American entertainment company and  was formed in Vancouver,British Columbia, on July 3, 1997, and is headquartered in Santa Monica, California. It is the most commercially successful independent film and distribution company in North America. 

We chose Lionsgate as they have distributed well known horrors such as 'Texas chainsaw massacre' 'The descent' and 'Saw' and have created a large number of films that have targeted people aged fifteen and above including 'The Hunger Games' and 'Disaster Movie'. Additionally, their films are very successful and that would be our aim. Lionsgate are a big distribution company which is another reason why we chose them, we want our film to be well known. Lionsgate spend alot of money on their advertising, spending $45 million to advertise Hunger Games, as they believe their films will be very popular. This is an additional reason for choosing them as a distributor, they are optimistic and believe strongly in their films. The recent horror films they have distributed are 'The legend of bloody Mary - 2008' and 'The final - 2010'.

 Our production company name is 'Simplistic pictures' We thought it was appropriate as our film only contains one killer which suggests simplicity. Additionally, the plot line reverts down to one simple thing, bullying. The story suggests if the group of teenagers hadn't pushed Frank or hadn't teased him that one time the situation of Frank wanting revenge wouldn't of had to happen.