Thursday 6 December 2012

11. Genre 1


This is the opening sequence from the film Se7en.

The sound starts off slow paced and sounds like an electric interference which immediately makes the audience feel uncomfortable and cautious. Additionally  the use of an 'electric' sound suggests pain and suffering which creates an eery atmosphere. We can hear a tapping in the background which makes us think of someone waiting and creates the theme of impatience. We then hear a high pitched scratching which sounds similar to a scream making the audience feel uncomfortable and scared and suggests that someone is trapped or hurt. As the title 'SE7EN' appears the non-digetic soundtrack increases in speed. The background noises then increase in volume which results in a symphony of noises. These noises sound like machines which creates a vicious image. We then hear a high pitched sound which is creepy. We then keep hearing high pitched sudden noises suggesting screams of either females or children which makes the audience aware and sympathise. Next we hear the sound a choir but a distorted choir which creates a creepy atmosphere and suggests the film is going to be shocking. The soundtrack now increases in speed making the audience worried and is as if something or someone is going to jump out. Then the soundtrack changes rhythm and sounds as if it has been re-winded this makes the audience feel cautious and suggests all this chaos and trauma has been triggered by something from the past. At the end of the opening sequence we hear the lyrics 'you keep me closer to god' which suggests the film will be religion orientated. The music then slowly fades out leaving the audience scared and unsure.

Throughout the whole opening sequence close ups and extreme close ups are used in order to show detail and also to hide information from the audience to make them question. For example: 
-This extreme close up shows a hand holding a razor blade. The use of an extreme close up shows the fingernails and shows that they are masculine, dirty and have cracked skin suggesting it is a male character who isn't bothered about appearance. The razor blade suggests the character is violent.

-This extreme close up shows a hand writing down text onto a sheet of paper which suggests this moment in his life is very important. This shot is also a cross fade which creates a creepy, atmosphere and a ghostly image.   

-This close up hows a film negative of a close up image of a man. This man in the photograph doesn't seem ready or perhaps doesn't even know its being taken? which suggests he is a victim but doesn't even know it. The splodges on the film negative suggest anger and frustration which could portray an image of the character holding the negative.   

This opening sequence includes a number of different objects which makes the audience visual a surrounding and type of character easier. We see a book with pages flickering which suggests the character is knowledgeable. We see a number of black and white darkroom photographs showing young boys which suggests the character is associated with them either in a good way or bad way. Some shots are unrecognizable as a result the audience has different perceptions of the Mise en scene. We are shown the same notepad with lots of writing and information frequently which suggests it is a main symbol throughout the film. We see a film being cut up which suggests the character is fussy and only wants certain images. We then see a finger smudging black ink into certain words from an article which makes the character seem a bit strange. It also suggests the character has is pesimistic and wants to 'black out' or 'smudge away' certain things or people in their life. We are shown needles which instantly makes the audience feel uncomfortable and suggests the character is violent but is also very precise as they have used needles instead of for instance a knife or gun?

At the start of the opening sequence the editing is slow paced which makes the audience cautious and creates an eery atmosphere. However, the editing then increases in speed to the point where some of the shots are hard to recognize which makes the audience question more and also suggests danger or that something bad is going to happen. The whole opening sequence looks similar to a film which relates to the Mise en scene as most the shots show something to do with photography or film. The titles are backwards and then flip to normal which suggests that the characters involved have had there lives 'flipped'. The font of the titles is white suggesting calm and purity which contrasts with the shots being shown. The font is handwritten suggesting the film is going to be personal to a certain individual, the use of a handwritten font also relates to the Mise en scene as we are repeatedly shown a notepad full of information. The titles are shaky and flashing creating a manic and disastrous image. 

Where are we?
Why are the characters nails so dirty?
Why is the character marking out things?

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