Tuesday 30 April 2013

Developing our opening sequence

When getting feedback for our opening sequence first draft we realized the shots were too confusing so we needed to alter the story line. So we changed the story line from flashbacks before and after Susan McKay's attack to cross cuts between Susan McKay lying unconscious on the cellar floor to her best friend Emily on her way to find her. To do this we took off 'the dream effect' to make it look less like a flashback. This was effective as it created the theme of friendship and due to the fact that our target audience is teenagers and friendship is a key part in a teenagers life, the theme works well and appeals to our target audience well. Additionally, we had to change the close up of her boyfriend ringing her to a close up of Emily texting her. This reinforces the theme of friendship and also appeals to our target audience well because teenagers rarely call people they usually just text someone, whether its an emergency or not. 



Tuesday 23 April 2013

7. Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

My preliminary task consisted of me and Charlie having a conversation in a science room about whether I was going to go home or not. For our preliminary task we had to focus on the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot. I think we created a successful short clip and was able to apply both our camerawork and editing skills well. We stuck to the 180 degree rule as we both were framed on the same side of the shot throughout the clip.

This is a mid-shot of me sitting at a desk
-I am always placed on the left of Charlie. (following 180 degree rule)

This is a mid-shot of Charlie sitting on the opposite side of the desk.
-Charlie is always placed on the right of me. (following 180 degree rule)

Our opening sequence showed a young female character lying on the floor of a cellar and then a different female character walking towards an abandoned house. Comparing our preliminary task to our opening sequence, we didn't have to focus on the 180 degree rule as there were no conversations or confrontations within the sequence. In our preliminary task we had to use shot reverse shot and we did this during mine and Charlies conversation.

Whereas, in our opening sequence we used cross cut shots between the character of Susan, who has been attacked, and her friend Emily who is trying to find her and see if she is ok. The cross cut provides clear visuality of both young girls and suggests they are getting closer and closer. Looking back at the preliminary task I feel like I have progressed due to the fact that I would not have tried to attempt a cross cut as it can be difficult to make them look effective so I just focused on the shot reverse shot which can sometime be dull and not very exciting. When editing our cross cut shots we had to be thorough and make sure it flowed well and could be easily understood from an audience perspective. 

(cross cut from opening sequence)


Another way I have progressed from my preliminary task to my opening sequence is the sound used. In our preliminary task we used a short iMovie track which didn't link very well to the scenario and was used to make it seem abit more exciting. During the time of making the preliminary task I was only sure of how to add sound from iMovie so was only able to use a selective variety of sounds.

However, for our opening sequence we planned what sound we think would appeal to our audience, link to the plot and create an uncomfortable and scary atmosphere  We then used the website free play music to find the most appropriate soundtrack. Once we found one we were able to add it to our current sequence and play it as a soundtrack. I was unable to do this during the preliminary task so have progressed since then. 

The contrast between our preliminary task and opening sequence is very clear and obvious. The shots are much more focused and well framed in our opening sequence than my preliminary task. 

This shot shows Charlie walking (preliminary task)

And this shot shows Rae walking (opening sequence)

The framing is much more appropriate and effective in the opening sequence and you can tell the opening sequence shot was planned out. 
The opening sequence is clearly much longer than the preliminary task which indicates progress in my camerawork and editing.